Pump It Up!

When working out from home, don't forget the perfect gym companions, essential to any work out.

Five FitBit Watches on a lilac background in different colours. Black, Lilac, White, Black again and Red.

Your Gym Companions

Whether you are working out in the living room or the garden, reach your daily fitness goals and track your exercise activity with your Fitbit . Enjoy keeping count of the amount of steps that you take on your walks while you can also take note of your calorie burn, and your sleeping patterns.

Need some motivation while working out? Pump up your favourite music playlist with some quality earphones or headphones during your workout to help boost your heart rate. Whether your preference is Apple, Beats or Sennheiser, rich quality audio will help you to focus during your workout and help you drive those few last reps of your routine - or steps of your run - when exercising. To cool down during or after your workout, it’s important to always have a flask or bottle of cool water to refresh. 24 Bottles is the ultimate solution for your healthy and comfortable hydration on the go and is also a part of our Sustainable Edit.

Looking for a workout to get started with? Youtube is a fantastic tool to find workouts that suit your goals or fitness levels and can also give great tips if you wish to work on certain areas. Podcasts and apps can also be great way to learn how to do Couch To 5K, learning how to run or for yoga and meditation. Now the only problem is to choose which one!