Brand Ambassador Amanda Seyfried On Lancôme

Discover the ins and outs of Lancôme's latest brand ambassador as she talks beauty, life and career.

Priding herself on being truthful and genuine - both in her beauty routine and the rest of her life - Amanda Seyfried is Lancôme's latest brand ambassador. We caught up with Amanda to find out more about her skincare tips and beauty must-haves.

 Amanda Seyfried on Lancome

All About Lancôme

I feel like I relate to the brand a lot—the idea of being your best self. Lancôme is about strong women, empowered women who are not afraid to be themselves. Since becoming a mother, I’m kind of a different person. It’s like, “Okay, now I’m responsible in a way that I never have been.” Not just for myself but also for her, and her future.

It’s super high-end. It’s classic. You always know what you’re getting. It’s all about women. Empowering women, at every age. As a mother, I feel I’m looked at differently. Lancôme doesn’t care if you’re a mother, or how old you are. They’re much more welcoming than any other company, I feel. As far as a first product, I’ll always remember when the brand came out with its Hypnôse mascara. My sister is three and a half years older than me and she wore it. She loved makeup growing up. I can very specifically remember her using a safety pin to separate her lashes, because she needed all of her lashes to be separate! For me, learning to use mascara was the most important thing because I have blonde eyelashes. It was the quickest easiest way to change my look and make myself feel prettier.

The Advanced Génifique Youth Activating Serum without any doubt. I’m obsessed with serums.

What I love about Clarifique is that it disappears. The texture is unlike anything I’ve ever felt.

That there’s no one road to beautiful skin or beautiful hair. That it’s more than okay to be yourself, and to stay true to yourself and not change for anybody. It took me a long time to figure that out and really own it and live it.

Amanda Seyfrieds Beauty Routine

Amanda's Beauty Routine

Not really. The different things I choose to do on the red carpet have almost nothing to do with me and almost everything to do with my makeup artist. Sometimes I’m like, “Oh, wouldn’t a cat eye be fun?” Because I love a cat eye. But I’m so less preoccupied with what my face looks like than I am with feeling like I’m not wearing a mask. It’s always more about trying to be like a glamorous version of me. For a recent premiere, I had a coppery peach eyeshadow and orange-y lips. It was super fun and summery. I wouldn’t wear that during the day, but it looked beautiful and yet still pretty natural.

Serums. I need a serum on my skin every night. I need it before makeup. I need it in the morning. I need it when I go to bed. I have to be soaked in serum, and SPF. Everything with SPF in it. In terms of makeup, mascara is a must for me. And I have big lips so I can put any color on and accentuate them. I’m really lucky in that way, and I want to show them off sometimes. But I live on a farm, so I’ll go two weeks without having to do anything and I don’t wear makeup at all. And honestly, when that happens, I’ve never felt so beautiful.

I wear a lot of lotion in the fall. My skin is dry. I have to lather myself, all winter and fall. So any kind of body balm. I’ll also wear a darker lip if I’m going out to dinner. I love a tinted lip balm. I get really excited about fall colors and fall in general. I’m a sweater person. So in the winter, I’m going to wear a maroon gloss. In the spring and summer, it’s brighter colors, like peach and orange.

I never use eyeliner on the top of my lids. I only use it on the insides. Doing it that way totally changes the shape of your eyes. It’s a great trick. Another trick is if I don’t have anything to put on my cheeks, I’ll dab a pink or orange lip gloss there instead. It’ll do.

My mom taught me that less is more. She doesn’t wear makeup. Maybe for a premiere she’ll put on lipstick or mascara. When I was a teenager, she yelled at me for bringing mascara to school and putting it on in the bathroom. She thought it made me look older, and that I was growing up too fast. But I also think she was trying to get me to not care so much. I’ve always wanted to be one of those “just a little bit of lip” people. I remember reading a book growing up—I have no idea what it was called or who wrote it, but it was part of a series of thriller books for young teens—and in the book, the lead character “grabs her lipstick, puts it on, and leaves the house.” Like, she was ready to go. I remember that so clearly, thinking, “if only that’s what it took to feel beautiful.” Now, I feel like I’m finally there.

I can’t skip the nightly routine. I would never go to sleep with makeup on, no matter how tired I am. And serum, of course!

Lancome's Brand Ambassador

Quick-Fire Round


A laugh from my daughter. If I’m feeling low, I can FaceTime her and she’ll be like, “Hi Mama” and suddenly everything is okay. Having children gives you such perspective.

Dateline. We watch it every single week.

When I was born, my sister gave me this little angel. I keep it with me all the time; it’s sort of decrepit by now. It was always the thing I brought to sleepovers. People would make fun of me for it. But it was protecting me. It was my guardian angel. I’ve never left the country without it.

Right now, it’s Cherry’s, the ice cream shop down the road from us.